It’s been a while!
I apologize for my absence, and I miss you all! I miss my Body Grief crew!
I’ve been doing a lot of behind the scenes work with Body Grief that I can’t wait to announce! Trust me, you will be the first to know! Any guesses??
As I work on this special project behind the scenes (eek, I just can’t wait to tell you) I am closing out this year with a flash sale for RLC Coaching Curriculum. This curriculum is truly my pride and joy and I have felt a calling to offer it at a more accessible rate so that we can offer more accessible treatment to those with Eating Disorders and Body Image concerns.
So here it is! The offer is available until Tuesday, October 25th at 9am EST.
So for any of you that are interested in becoming certified as an Eating Disorder Recovery Coach/Body Image Coach, let’s chat at ! The course was is discounted $1500!
I’ve been working on building my Non for Profit, The AND Initiative! This is a cause that is near and dear to my heart and has everything to do with Body Grief.
The AND Initiative’s Mission is to provide inspiration, advocacy, resources, support and gift mobility aids to those with chronic illness and physical disabilities.
We have already gifted four people with mobility aids, and we cannot wait to continue to change lives doing so!
In addition to gifting mobility aids we will be hosting virtual and in person events, speaking about Body Grief, disability and being newly diagnosed with chronic illness, and encouraging those with Body Grief to live their AND life.
For me, living AND is…
Being disabled AND thriving
Being terrified AND hopeful
Being sick AND CEO
Being bed bound AND writing this newsletter to you all!
To be honest I am focusing on my work more than ever recently….because in less than a week I head to Rochester, Minnesota to hopefully get some answers at The Mayo Clinic.
I am relieved AND terrified AND hopeful AND so incredibly anxious. This isn’t my first time going to Rochester, but we are starting from scratch if you will. We are digging deep into my metal allergy, and my gynecological complications that go hand in hand with my EDS. I will quite literally be a human pin cushion for a few weeks, but I am willing to try anything at this point.
I feel quite privileged that Mayo Clinic accepted my case, and yet so defeated because insurance is refusing to cover any of our stay, yep you heard that right. Insurance, that I pay tens of thousands of dollars for every year, is refusing to cover a medical necessity, simply because they legally can. It is quite impossible to live in the US with a chronic illness and not have financial ruin…but that’s for another conversation!
We had consultations with my doctors here in Charleston, and the consensus was that Mayo Clinic is our only hope right now….so away we go!
In the meantime let’s chat! Want to share a win? Want to share more about your Body Grief? Tell me here!
Love to all of you,